- 1. clothes; dress
- ♦ 工作服
- 2. mourning apparel
- ♦ 有~在身 be wearing mourning clothes; be in mourning
- 1. wear or put on (clothes)
- ♦ 服丧
- 2. take (medicine)
- ♦ 日~三次, 每次两片。 To be taken three times a day, two (tablets) each time.
- 3. serve
- ♦ ~兵役 serve in the army; perform military service
- 4. be convinced; obey
- ♦ 你说得有道理, 我~了。 What you've said is reasonable. I'm convinced.
- 5. be accustomed to
- ♦ 不服水土 另见 fù
- ♦ 一~中药 a dose of Chinese medicine 另见 fú