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词汇 star
n C
1. 星;恒星
a fixed star 恒星
shining stars 闪烁的星星
2. 非正式 星宿;命运
The man was born under an unlucky star. 那个人生来命不好。
3. [~s] 星象
What do my stars say? 我的星象怎么样?
4. 星形;星形物
a five-point star 五角星
The blow filled the man's eyes with whirling stars. 这一拳直打得那个人眼冒金星。
5. 星级;星章
a five-star hotel 五星级酒店
a sheriff's star 行政司法长官的星章
6. 非正式 明星;杰出人物
a film star 电影明星
a rising young football star 足坛年轻的后起之秀
词组see stars 眼冒金星
I was so hungry that I saw stars for a moment. 我饿得一时间两眼冒金星。
stars in one's eyes 幸福感
She has stars in her eyes when talking about her son. 一提到她的儿子,她就乐滋滋的。
thank one's (lucky) stars 庆幸
You should thank your lucky stars that you didn't fail in the examination. 你没有考试不及格算是走运了。




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