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1. (used in place of an objective noun or pronoun)
影片情节十分悲惨, 观众无不为~感动。 The film was so sad that none were unmoved.
将如~何? What is to be done?
2. (used in certain set phrases without definite designation)
我们三个人我最年长, 李次~, 张又次~。 Of the three of us, I am the eldest, Li is younger, and Zhang is the youngest.
手之舞~, 足之蹈~ dance with joy
3. this or that
~子于归。 The maiden goes to her future home.
1. (used between an attribute and the word it modifies)
钟鼓~声 the sound of drums and bells
原因~一 one of the reasons
宝中~宝 the treasure of treasures
一水~隔 be separated only by a river
2. (used between the subject and the predicate in a S-P structure so as to make it nominalized)
如因势利导, 则如水~就下, 极为自然。 If we guide the matter along its course of development, it will proceed as naturally as water flows downwards.




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