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1. deep
一口~井 a deep well
雪~过膝 knee-deep snow
林~苔滑。 The forest is thick and the moss is slippery.
2. hard to understand; difficult; abstruse; profound
这本书给孩子们看太~了。 The book is too difficult for children.
3. thoroughgoing; penetrating; profound
问题想得很~ think deeply about a question
功夫~ have put in a great deal of effort
4. (of relations or feelings) close; intimate
交情~ be very close; be on intimate terms
他们之间的感情已经很~了。 They are already deeply in love with each other.
5. (of colour) dark; deep; rich
~蓝 dark blue
~红 deep red; crimson
颜色太~。 The colour is too dark (or deep).
6. far on in the day, night, season, etc.; late
夜~了。 It was in the dead of night (or late at night).
测量水~ sound (or plumb) the depth of the water
这间大厅有三米宽、五米~。 This hall is 3 m. wide and 5 m. deep (or 3 m. in width and 5 m. in depth).
这山洞有多~? What is the depth of the cave?
very; greatly; deeply
~知 know very well; be fully (or keenly) aware
~受感动 be deeply moved; be greatly touched
~感不安 be greatly disturbed; be very much worried
~表同情 show deep (or profound) sympathy
~得人心 enjoy immense popular support
~恐出事 be terribly afraid that something may go wrong




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