释义 |
跑[pǎo]动- 1. run
- ♦ 他~得很快。 He can run very fast.
- ♦ ~上前去迎接客人 run forward to meet the guests
- ♦ 每天早晨练慢~ do jogging every morning
- ♦ 火车在飞~。 The train is racing along.
- 2. run a race
- ♦ ~百米 run (or take part in) the 100-metre dash
- ♦ ~接力赛的第一棒 run the first leg of the relay
- ♦ ~第二 run second
- 3. run away; escape; flee
- ♦ 别让坏蛋~了。 See that the scoundrel doesn't escape.
- ♦ 暴风雨快来了, 你还是赶紧~吧! A storm is coming up. You'd better cut and run.
- 4. 方 walk; stroll
- ♦ 他们通常吃过晚饭出去~~路。 They usually go for a stroll after supper.
- ♦ 我们~了五里路。 We walked five li.
- 5. run about doing sth.; run errands
- ♦ ~材料 run about collecting material
- ♦ 我~了好几家商店, 才找到那种扳手。 I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench.
- ♦ 你这辆卡车一天能~几个来回? How many round trips can your truck make in a day?
- 6. (of a liquid or gas) leak or evaporate
- ♦ 哎哟, 水管子~水了。 Oh, the pipe leaks!
- ♦ 车胎~气了。 The tyre is flat.
- ♦ 汽油~了半瓶。 Half the bottle of gasoline has evaporated.
- 7. (used as complement to a verb) away; off
- ♦ 一枪把鸟儿都吓~了。 The shot scared away the birds.
- ♦ 桌上的纸叫风给刮~了。 The paper blew off the table.