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1. a move in chess
妙~儿 a clever move
走错一~ make a false move; take a wrong step
2. trick; device; move
这一~厉害。 That's a shrewd move.
他没~儿了。 He's at the end of his tether.
put in; add
~点儿盐 put some salt in it
all right; O.K.
~, 咱们就这么办。 O.K., that's what we'll do then.
另见 zháozhezhuó
1. touch; come in contact with
我手上的烫伤一~水就疼。 The burns on my hand hurt when they get in contact with water.
2. be affected by (cold, etc.); be troubled with; suffer
3. be ignited; be lit
火~了。 The fire is lit.
炉子~得很旺。 The stove is going strong.
天黑了, 路灯都~了。 It's dark, and the street lights are all on.
汽油一点就~。 Gasoline is highly inflammable.
4. fall asleep
他困得很, 一上床就~了。 He was so tired that he fell asleep the moment he got into bed.
5. (used as a complement to another verb) hitting the mark; succeeding in
这回你可说~了。 This time you really hit the nail on the head.
灯点~了。 The lamp is lit.
他整夜翻来复去睡不~。 He tossed about all night, unable to get to sleep.
另见 zhāozhezhuó
1. (added to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state, often with the particle 呢 at the end of the sentence)
大门敞~。 The gate is wide open.
他穿~一身新衣服。 He is wearing new clothes.
雪正下~呢。 It's snowing.
2. (in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state, the verb plus 着 having the force of “there is”)
桌儿上放~好些东西。 There are a lot of things lying on the table.
墙上挂~一幅山水画。 On the wall hangs a landscape painting.
3. (verb plus 着 placed before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state)  (verb plus 着 serving as an adverbial modifier)
他爱吃~饭看报。 He likes to read the newspaper while eating.
路不远, 咱们走~去吧。 It's quite near, let's go there on foot.  (verb plus 着 repeated, indicating that while one action is in progress the occurrence of another is expected): 她想~想~笑了起来。 She thought and thought and then burst out laughing.
我们走~走~天色已经暗了下来。 As we walked along, it began to grow dark.
4. (in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis, often with 点儿 added)
等~! Wait!
慢~! Hold it!
过马路看~点儿。 Mind how you cross the street.
另见 zhāozháozhuó
1. wear (clothes)
吃~不尽 have as much food and clothing as one wants
2. touch; come into contact with
3. apply; use
4. send
请~人前来领取。 Please send someone here for it.
5. (used in official documents, expressing peremptory tone)
以上规定, ~即施行。 The above regulations are to be enforced immediately.
另见 zhāozháozhe




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