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1. stuffy; close
开开窗吧, 屋里太~了。 Open the windows. It's too stuffy in here.
我觉得胸口~得慌。 I feel like I can't breathe.
这天儿真~。 It is very oppressive today.
2. (of a sound) muffled
说话~声~气的 speak in a muffled voice; won't come out with a clear statement
1. cover tightly
~一会儿, 茶味儿就出来了。 Let the tea draw for a while and the flavour will come out.
2. keep silent; say nothing
你有什么事就说吧, 别~在心里。 Speak out. Don't just brood over things.
3. shut oneself or sb. indoors
别老~在屋里看书, 出来活动活动。 Don't shut yourself indoors reading all day long. Come outside and stretch your legs.
另见 mèn
1. bored; depressed; in low spirits
你一个人在这儿多~得慌, 跟我们出去走走吧! Don't you feel bored staying here all alone? Why not come out with us for a walk?
2. tightly closed; sealed
~屋子住着憋气。 I feel suffocated in a tightly closed room.
另见 mēn




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