- ♦ ~的一声, 敌人的碉堡给炸飞了。 The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang.
- ♦ ~!~!~!一连串爆破声震撼山谷。 Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of explosions shook the valley.
- 1. rumble; bombard; explode
- ♦ 雷~电闪。 Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.
- ♦ 万炮齐~ ten thousand cannons booming
- 2. shoo away ; drive off
- ♦ ~麻雀 shoo away the sparrows
- ♦ ~下台 hoot sb. off the platform; oust sb. from office (or power)
- ♦ 把他~出去。 Throw him out.