

1. broken; damaged; torn; worn-out
~碗 a broken bowl
~衣服 worn-out (or ragged, tattered) clothes
~房子 a dilapidated ( or tumbledown) house
我的手~了。 I've cut my hand.
2. paltry; lousy
这支~笔真气人! This lousy pen really drives me mad!
这点~事两分钟就办完了。 To settle a simple matter like this won't take more than two minutes.
1. break; split; cleave; cut
一~两半 break ( or split) into two
~开西瓜 cut up the watermelon
把十元的票子~开 break a ten-yuan note
2. get rid of; destroy; break with
大~天命观 eradicate the concept of the mandate of heaven
~旧俗, 立新风 break with outmoded customs and establish new ones
~记录 break a record
3. defeat; capture ( a city, etc.)
大~敌军 inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy
城~之日 the day the city fell
4. expose the truth of; lay bare




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