

词汇 twist
1. 使弯曲;扭弯
He twisted the wire into the shape of a right-angled triangle. 他把一根铁丝扭弯,形成了一个直角三角形。
2. 扭脱;扭转
twist the cap off a tube of tooth-paste 把牙膏管的盖子拧下来
We twisted apples off a tree. 我们从树上摘下苹果。
3. 捻;搓;捻成;编织
I twisted a garland out of clovers. 我用苜蓿编了一个花环。
4. 卷绕;使…缠绕
The girl twisted her hair around her fingers to make it curl. 那女孩把头发卷绕在手指上,使头发卷曲。
5. 曲解;歪曲
The paper twisted everything he said. 报纸把他的话全都歪曲了。
He always twists what I say. 他总是曲解我的话。
6. 扭伤;扭歪
I fell and twisted my ankle. 我跌了一跤,把脚踝扭伤了。
His face was twisted with pain. 他疼得龇牙咧嘴。
1. 蜿蜒曲折而行
We twisted through the crowd. 我们在人群中左转右绕。
2. 扭动;蠕动
He twisted in his seat to see who was coming in. 他在座位上扭动着身体,想看看是谁进来了。
词组twist up 扭歪;把…弄得不正常
A sudden stab of pain twisted me up. 一阵突然的剧痛使我挺不起身来。
She's twisted up with jealousy. 她因猜忌而心理失常。




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