

词汇 term
1. C 术语;词;词语
technical terms 技术术语
a foreign term 外来词
2. 用作单 期限;任期
a long term of imprisonment 长期监禁
during the President's term of office 在总统的任职期间
3. C 学期
during the term 在学期当中
4. U 足月;(足月)分娩
have one's baby at full term 足月分娩
near term 临近产期
5. [~s] (契约等的)条目;条款
terms of a contract 合同条款
6. [~s] 关系
He has been on bad terms with his parents for years. 几年来他和父母的关系一直不好。
We are on friendly terms. 我们的关系很好。
7. C 价格;费用
enquire about terms for renting a house 询问有关租用房子的租金问题
8. C 【数】
词组at term 到期 be on speaking terms
1. 关系好
We are on speaking terms with each other at present. 现在我们的关系很好。
2. 相适应
Solid food and her are not on speaking terms just now. 目前她还不适宜吃固体食物。
bring sb. to terms 迫使某人屈服
The war won't end until we bring the enemy to terms. 除非敌人被我们打得投降,否则战争不会结束。
come to terms 达成协议;和解;屈服
Everyone has to come to terms with reality. 人人都要尊重现实。
It's hard to help them come to terms. 帮助他们取得和解很难。
in terms of
1. 用…的话来说
express it in terms of science 从科学意义上表达它
2. 依据;从…方面来说
The event can not be explained in terms of what happened. 不能按照所发生的情况来解释这件事。
It was a terrible year in terms of business. 就生意而论,这是很糟的一年。
make terms 达成协议 not on borrowing terms 没有交情 on one's own terms 按照自己的主张 think (或take) in terms of (doing sth.) 计划;打算
You should think in terms of going abroad for further study. 你应该考虑出国留学深造。

term, semester






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