

词汇 strain
1. C,U 过劳;过度紧张
I've been under a lot of strain lately. 我近来疲惫不堪。
The trial has been a terrible strain for us. 审讯使我们一直处于极度紧张之中。
2. C 过度的要求(或使用等)
The drought has put a heavy strain on our water resources. 干旱使供水变得紧张。
ease the strain on fuel supplies 缓和燃料供应紧张
3. U 拉紧;拉力;张力
The rope snapped under the strain. 绳子拉断了。
The mast will stand any strain. 这桅杆经得起任何拉力。
4. C,U 劳损;扭伤
a back strain 腰背痛
a painful strain 使人疼痛的扭伤
5. C (动物或植物的)种,品系;类型
a new strain of wheat 一个新的小麦品种
6. 用作单 家系;血统
his Irish strain 他的爱尔兰血统
7. 用作单 正式 语气,口吻;笔调
Her speech continued in the same dismal strain. 她以悲伤的语调接着往下说。
He wrote in a bitter strain about his childhood. 他用一种悲苦的笔调描述自己的童年。




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