

词汇 nerve
1. [~s] 神经紧张,神经过敏
She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. 她深吸了一口气以放松紧张情绪。
He was a bundle of nerves when giving a presentation. 他作口头发言时特别紧张。
2. U 胆量,勇气;自信
Not everyone has the nerve to take up the cudgels for deterring crime. 并不是每个人都有胆量站出来制止犯罪的。
It takes a lot of nerve for her to make the decision. 她做这个决定是需要勇气的。
lose one's nerve 失去勇气
3. C 神经
4. 用作单 非正式 厚颜无耻;大胆
He had the nerve to say so. 他这样说真无耻。
词组get on sb.'s nerves 使人不安;惹人烦
You naughty boys really got on my nerves. 你们这些淘气的孩子烦死我了。
hit(或touch) a nerve( 言语等)刺痛(某人);使(某人)心烦
I am afraid I hit a nerve when I mentioned her dead father; and she began to cry. 我提到她去世的父亲,恐怕是触到了她的伤处,她哭了起来。
live on one's nerves 过紧张不安的日子 strain every nerve 尽最大努力;拼命
He strained every nerve to get the post, but failed. 他竭力去谋取那个职位,但是失败了。
What a nerve! 真无耻,脸皮真厚!




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