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1. put up; build
~一个临时舞台 put up a makeshift stage
~窝 build a nest
~帐篷 pitch a tent
2. hang over; put over
把洗好的衣服~在绳上 hang the washing on a line
他肩膀上~着一块毛巾。 He had a towel over his shoulder.
3. come into contact; join
那两根电线~上了。 The two wires are touching.
~上关系 strike up a relationship with; establish contact with
4. throw in more (people, money, etc.); add
你忙不过来, 给你~个人吧。 You're terribly busy. We'll send someone to help you.
为了救他, 我差点儿把命都~进去了。 In trying to save him I nearly lost my own life, too.
5. lift sth. together
帮我把这包大米~上卡车。 Help me lift the bag of rice onto the truck.
咱们俩把这筐土~走。 Let's carry this basket of earth away.
6. take (a ship, plane, etc.); travel (or go) by
~轮船去上海 go to Shanghai by boat
~飞机 go by plane
~长途汽车 travel by coach
~他们的车走 get a lift in their car




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