释义 |
come/kʌm/ (came, come; coming) vi- 1. 来;来到;到达
- • They are coming for dinner. 他们要来吃饭。
- • Come this way. 往这边来。
- 2. 来临,到来;经过
- • Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. 感恩节就快到了。
- • The time has come for them to make a decision. 该是他们做出决定的时候了。
- 3. 出现于,位于
- • The index of a book comes at the end. 一本书的索引出现在书的末尾。
- • Your family should always come before your work. 你的家庭应该永远比你的工作重要。
- 4. 伸展到,延及
- • The subway line comes near my office. 地铁通到我办公室附近。
- • Her overcoat comes to her knees. 她的大衣衣长到膝部。
- 5. 变成;进入(某种状况等);实现
- • The new regulations comes into effect next month. 新的法规在下个月生效。
- • The window came open. 窗户开了。
- • Peace will come eventually. 和平终将实现。
- 6. 进行,进展
- • How's your business coming? 你的生意进展得如何了?
- 7. 开始;降临,发生
- • I have come to know him better. 我开始对他越来越了解了。
- • Let whatever will come come. 让该发生的事情发生吧。
- 8. 来(自);生(于);产生(于)
- • She comes from a poor family. 她出身贫穷。
- • Where does he come from? 他是哪里人?
- • No good will come from all this. 这一切不会有好结果的。
- 9. 被供应(或生产、出售等)
- • Shoes come in many shapes and sizes. 所供应的鞋有许多款式和各种尺码。
- • The food comes in a can. 这种食品装成罐头出售。
- 10. 想出;回忆起
- • A good idea has just come to him. 他刚想出一个好主意。
- • His name finally came to me. 我终于想起了他的名字。
- 11. 俚 (性交中)达到高潮
词组as good as they come 极好的 come about 1. 发生 • How did the accident come about? 事故是怎样发生的? 2. (风)转向;船(转)航向 • The wind has come about into the north. 风向转成了北风。 come across 1. 不用被动 偶然遇到(某人),邂逅;发现 • He came across this book in the course of his search. 他在找东西时偶然发现了这本书。 2. 出现于(脑海中) • A good idea came across my mind. 我忽然想到一个好主意。 3. 使人理解;受欢迎 • His words did not come across. 他的话使人难以理解。 • His speech came across very well. 他的演说相当受欢迎。 4. 照办,照付,交给 • The robber told the man to come across with his wallet. 强盗让那个人把钱包给他。 5. 似乎是;给人深刻印象 • She came across as being rather nervous. 她好像有点紧张。 • He comes across as someone who keeps on his words. 他给人的印象是一个说话算数的人。 come across with 英口 提供(所需的钱或资料) come along 1. 进展,进步;(健康)好转 • How are you coming along with your study of English? 你英语学得怎么样了? • He is coming along nicely. 他的身体好多了。 2. 偶然出现,产生 • Take any opportunity that comes along. 抓住每一个出现的机会。 3. 追随,跟着 • Please come along with us. 请跟我们来。 4. 经过,到达 • He came along just when they were talking about him. 他们谈论他时他正好经过。 • He came along and offered to help me. 他走过来主动帮助我。 5. 快点,快来 • Come along, we are late! 快点,我们迟到了。 6. 加把劲 • Come along, you can do much better. 加把劲,你会干得更好。 • Come and get it! 口开饭了! come and go 1. 来来往往,往返 • He is free to come and go as he pleases. 他可以随心所欲地自由往返。 2. 变化不定,转瞬即逝 3. 作短暂的拜访 come apart 破碎;崩溃 come around = come round come at 不用被动 1. 冲向,扑向 • He came at me with a knife. 他拿着刀子向我扑来。 2. 非正式 获知,了解;发现 • come at the truth 获知真相 come away 1. 离开 • Come away with me tommorow. 明天和我一起离开。 2. (未加外力而)脱落,脱开;断裂 • The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥开始从墙上剥落了。 3. (植物)发芽,生长 • The wheat is coming away very well. 小麦生长得很好。 come back 1. 回来 • Please come back at eight. 请在8 点钟回来。 2. 在记忆中重现 • Her name has come back to my mind. 我又想起了她的名字。 3. 恢复(法律、制度等) • Many people want to see the death penalty come back. 很多人都希望恢复死刑。 4. 再度流行 • Short skirts are expected to come back next year. 预计明年会再度流行短裙。 5. 回敬;还嘴 • He always comes back at anyone who is rude to him. 对那些无礼待他的人,他总要加以回敬。 6. 康复 • She came back after careful nursing. 经过精心护理,她恢复了健康。 come before 正式 被提交…讨论(或审议) • The plan came before the committee yesterday. 这个计划昨天已提交委员会讨论。 come between 不用被动 1. (发生)于…之间 • The school winter vacation comes between January and Feburary. 学校的寒假是在1月到2月之间。 2. 打搅,妨碍 • She lets nothing come between herself and her work. 她不让任何事情妨碍她的工作。 3. 离间;使分开 • We mustn't let this silly quarrel come between us. 一定不要让这次荒唐的争吵影响我们之间的感情。 come by 不用被动 1. 打旁边经过 • Just then a bus came by so he got on and rode home. 刚好来了一辆公共汽车,他上车回家了。 2. (通过努力)得到,获得 • That book is hard to come by. 那本书很难弄到。 • Jobs are hard to come by these days. 这年头工作不好找。 3. 美 (非正式)拜访 come down 1. 下跌,下降;衰落 • The price of food has come down dramatically. 食品价格大幅度地下跌了。 • Since he lost his job, he has really come down in the world. 自从他失业后,家境便大不如前了。 • He had come down to begging. 他已沦为乞丐。 2. (从历史上)流传下来 • The story has come down from medieval times. 这个故事是从中世纪流传下来的。 3. 非正式 (麻醉品药性过去后)清醒过来 4. 英 大学毕业 5. 作出决定 • He came down heavily on our side after some hesitation. 犹豫了一阵儿之后,他决定站在我们一边。 come down on 不用被动 1. 严惩;斥责 • The courts are going to come down more heavily on young criminals. 法庭将对年轻罪犯施以更严厉的惩罚。 2. 强行索取 • They came down on us for immediate payment. 他们强迫我们立即付款。 come down to 不用被动 1. 归结为,结果是 • The whole matter comes down to a power struggle between them. 整个事件可以归结为他们之间的争权夺利。 2. 谈论到;涉及到 • When they came down to the details, they realised the plan seemed impossible. 当他们谈到细节问题时才意识到这个计划似乎是行不通的。 come down with 不用被动 染上(疾病),患病 • come down with a cold 患感冒 come forward 主动站出;挺身而出 • No one has come forward with any information about the murder. 没有人主动站出来提供有关谋杀案的情况。 come in 1. 到达;被收到 • More letters of praise have just come in. 刚刚收到更多的表扬信。 2. 进来 • Come in. Take a seat. 进来,坐下吧。 3. 起重要作用;派上某种用场 • I understand the plan perfectly, but I donꆼt see where I come in. 我对这个计划很了解,但我不清楚我在哪方面应起作用。 • It will come in useful one day,so don't throw it away. 它将来会有用处的,别丢掉它。 4. 流行起来 • The hair style came in one year ago. 这种发型是一年前开始流行的。 5. (大海)涨潮 • The tide starts to come in. 开始涨潮了。 come in for 招致;受到(批评、指责等) • They came in for a lot of criticism over the matter. 他们在这件事上受到很多指责。 come into 不用被动 1. 继承(遗产等) • He came into a fortune when his father died. 父亲死后,他继承了一大笔遗产。 2. 进入(某种状态) • come into existence 出现 come into one's own 见own come near 几乎,险些 • He came near forgetting his suitcase. 他差点忘了他的箱子。 come off 1. 脱落,掉落 • A button came off his shirt. 他的衬衣掉了一只扣子。 2. 发生;举行,进行 • The meeting came off as planned. 会议按计划举行了。 3. 成功;实现 • The joke didn't quite come off. 那个笑话没有达到预期效果。 4. 结果 • Our team came off badly. 我队大败。 5. 表现 • They came off well in the contest. 他们在比赛中表现良好。 come off it 口 住口;别撒谎了;别瞎说 come on 1. 开始;来临 • The film has come on. 电影已经开演了。 • I can feel a cold coming on. 我觉得要感冒了。 • It came on to snow today. 今天开始下雪了。 2. 进步,进展 • Her English has come on a lot. 她的英文进步较大。 3. (健康)好转 4. 做得好 • His business came on very well. 他的生意非常兴旺。 5. [用于祈使句] 快;走吧;来吧;什么,真的吗;别装腔;得了吧 come out 1. 出现;透露 • The rain stopped and the sun came out. 雨停了,太阳出来了。 • At last the truth came out. 最终,真相大白。 2. 出版,发表 • When will his new book come out? 他的新书什么时候出版? 3. 结果是 • The answer came out wrong. 这个结果是错的。 4. (颜色等)褪去;(污迹等)被洗掉 • Will the colour come out when the shirt is washed? 衬衫洗了之后会褪色吗? 5. 开始罢工 • The workers in the plant have all come out. 这个厂的全体工人开始罢工。 6. 宣布,声称 • Most of the speakers came out in support of these proposals. 大多数发言者都公开表示支持这些建议。 7. (照片)冲洗;显像 • The photos didn't come out. 这些照片洗不出来。 8. 旧 (上流社会的年轻女孩)初次进入社交场合 come out with 不用被动 非正式(突然)提出,说出 • He came out with a strange remark. 他突然冒出一句奇怪的话。 come over 1. 从远处来 • They will come over to London for the vacation. 他们将远道来伦敦度假。 2. 顺便来访 • Please come over and see us if you have time. 有空请顺便来看看我们。 3. 被接受,被理解 • His speech came over very well. 他的演讲很受欢迎。 4. 发生;感到 • What has come over her? 她怎样了? • When I took on the bus, I came over sick. 我乘车时,突然觉得不舒服。 5. 改变立场(或观点) • He soon came over to our opinion. 他很快就转变态度,接受了我们的意见。 come round 1. 恢复知觉;苏醒 2. 恢复健康 3. 让步,同意;改变立场(或观点) 4. (船、风等)转向 5. 息怒,消气 • She was very angry but soon came round after listening to the explanation. 她非常生气,但听了解释不久气就消了。 6. 顺便来访 7. 再度发生(获降临) • Your birthday is coming round again, isn't it? 又快到你的生日了,对吧。 8. 哄骗,以计取胜 • You can't come round him with such words. 你不能用这种话欺骗他。 come through 1. 成功 • come through the exam 成功地通过考试 2. 经受住;安然度过 • He had lost so much blood that he was lucky to come through the operation. 他流了很多血,能顺利通过手术是很幸运的。 3. (消息、结果等)传出;公布 • The good news has just come through. 好消息刚刚传来。 come to 1. 苏醒,清醒 • When she came to, she found herself in hospital. 当她苏醒过来的时候,她发现自己躺在医院里。 2. 总计,总数为 • His income now comes to $ 100 a week. 他每周的总收入是$100。 3. 结果是 • They came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 他们得出结论,她讲的话是真的。 4. 达到(某种状况) • At last the war came to an end. 战争终于结束了。 5. 涉及;谈到 • Joe is not good at sports, but when it comes to mathematics, he is the best in the class. 乔在体育方面不行,但在数学方面他是班上最好的。 6. 被…继承 • The house came to him upon his father's death. 父亲死后那幢房子由他来继承。 come to oneself 1. 苏醒过来 2. 恢复自制力 come under 不用被动 1. 受…管辖(或支配) • This matter comes under the Ministry of National Defence. 这件事由国防部管。 2. 列入,归属(某一类别) • Which word does the idom come under? 这条习语可以在哪个词目下找到? come up 1. (意想不到地)发生;出现 • A gale of wind came up. 突然刮起了一阵大风。 • Let me know if anything comes up. 如果发生什么事,请通知我。 2. 引起注意;被提到 • The matter came up again at the board meeting. 这个问题再次在董事会上被提出讨论。 3. 地位上升;晋升 • come up in the society 社会地位上升 4. 走上前来;走近 • He came up and asked me the way to the post office. 他走上前来,向我打听去邮局的路。 • Christmas is coming up. 圣诞节快到了。 5. 升起;发芽 • The sun comes up in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 come up against 不用被动 (突然或意外地)碰到,遇到 • We came up against a number of unexpected problems. 我们遇到许多意想不到的难题。 come upon 碰到,偶然遇到;发现 come up to 等于,比得上;达到(标准等) • Her performance came up to all our expectations. 她的演出不负众望。 come up with 1. 想出;提出 • come up with a novel solution to the problem 想出一个解决问题的新办法 2. 赶上,走近 • come up with sb. 赶上某人 how come 口 为什么… • How come you didn't call me yesterday? 你昨天为什么没有给我打电话? if it comes to that 既然如此 to come 未来的 • for two years to come 在未来的两年里 用法说明 come, go 这一对词不容易正确选用。二者区别在于: come表示的运动方向可以是朝向说话人表示“朝自己的方向来”,也可以对方为中心,因而,在表示“朝对方方向去”时,也用come。go则用于其他运动方向,表示“自己往别的地方去”。 试比较: Come here!过来! Can I come and see you now?我现在可以来看看你吗? Go away!走开! |