

1. twist; wring
~麻绳 twist hemp into rope
把衣服~干 wring out wet clothes
2. pinch; tweak
~了他一把 give him a pinch
另见 nǐng
1. twist; screw
~开瓶盖 screw (or twist) the cap off a bottle
~上盖子 screw a lid on
~紧螺丝 tighten up a screw
2. differ; disagree; be at cross-purposes
两个人越说越~。 The more they talked, the more they disagreed.
wrong; mistaken
他想说“小题大做”, 说~了, 说成“大题小做”。 He meant to say “make a mountain out of a molehill, ” but he got it the wrong way round and said “make a molehill out of a mountain”.
另见 níng




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