- 1. not be allowed; won't do; be impossible
- ♦ 开玩笑可以, 欺负人可~。 To have a joke is all right, but to bully people just won't do.
- 2. be no good; won't work
- ♦ 这个方法~。 This method just won't work.
- ♦ 我的脑子~, 还不大懂。 My mind is no good; I still don't quite understand.
- 3. not be good; be poor
- ♦ 料子不错, 手工~。 The material is fine, but the workmanship is poor.
- 4. (used as a complement after 得) awfully; extremely
- ♦ 大街上热闹得~。 The streets are awfully busy.
- ♦ 我可困得~了。 I'm terribly sleepy.