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词汇 play
1. (尤指儿童)游戏,玩耍
The children are playing teachers and students. 孩子们在玩老师与学生的游戏。
2. 参加(体育活动或比赛等)
play basketball 打篮球
play chess 下国际象棋
3. 演奏(乐器或音乐);(用唱机、录音机等)播放(音乐)
play the violin 拉小提琴
Play me the record you newly bought. 给我放你新买的唱片吧。
4. 演(戏);扮演(角色);在…表演
play a role 扮演角色
They're playing a new opera. 他们正在上演一出新歌剧。
5. 不用被动 假装,装扮
play the fool 装傻
He likes to play the rich. 他喜欢扮富人。
6. 出(牌)
7. (光或水等对准某处连续)照射;发射;喷射
play the torch beam into the bush 用手电照灌木丛
The firemen played the hoses on the burning house. 消防队员用水龙喷射着火的房子。
8. (体育运动中)击(球)
9. 开(玩笑);耍(手段)
play a joke 开玩笑
10. 在…赌博;与…赌
1. 玩耍,游戏
Girls like to play with their dolls. 女孩子们爱玩她们的洋娃娃。
2. 参加体育活动;参加比赛
He has played for the club for two years. 他已为该俱乐部效力两年了。
3. (音乐)演奏;(录音机、唱机等)放音
I could hear the music playing next door. 我能听到隔壁放的音乐声。
4. (戏剧等)上演
'Hamlet' is now playing in the theatre. 《哈姆雷特》正在剧院上演。
5. 假装,装扮
play sick 假装生病
6. 快而轻地动;浮现;闪烁
A smile played on her lips. 一丝笑容出现在她的唇边。
She is watching the dragonflies playing on the lake. 她正观察蜻蜓在湖面上飞舞。
7. 赌博
词组play about (或around) (with)
1. 摆弄(或弄乱某物)
Don't play about with my papers. 别弄乱我的文件。
2. (与…)有不正当性关系
play along (with)
1. 使(某人)等候答复(或决定)
They've played me along for too long and I decided not to wait any more. 他们让我等得太久了,我决定不再等了。
2. 假装同意
I just knew that they'd only played along with my plan. 我才知道他们只是假装同意我的计划。
3. (与…)合作
We need you to play along with us. 我们需要你和我们合作。
play at
1. (小孩)假扮…玩
Boys like to play at soldiers. 男孩子爱扮士兵玩。
2. 参加(比赛等);玩(球、棋、游戏等)
Let's play at cards. 我们打牌吧。
3. 嘲弄
I don't mean to play at you. 我并不是成心要嘲笑你。
4. 对…敷衍了事
He's only playing at his work. 他对自己的工作只是敷衍了事。
play away
1. 在外地参加体育比赛
2. 赌输;挥霍浪费掉(时间等)
play away one's youth 虚度青春
play back
1. 回球
2. 重新播放(已录好的录音带、录像带)
play ball 见ball1 play booty 见booty play it by ear 见ear play down (to)
1. 降低…的重要性;贬低
He played down others' part in the work. 他贬低别人在工作中的作用。
2. 故意显得平易近人(以赢得好感或支持等)
The candidates tried to play down to the voter. 候选人试着对选民态度随和。
play fast and loose 非正式 对人(或其感情)不真诚;行为反复无常 play for time 见time1 play games 见game play hell with 见hell play hookey 见hookey play it safe 谨慎行事;避免冒险
I suggest you play it safe and take an umbrella with you. 我建议为保险起见你最好带把雨伞。
play off
1. 加赛以决胜负
The two teams played off their tie in rain. 两支队伍在雨中加赛决胜负。
2. (为坐收渔利而)挑拨离间
play off one's competitors against each other 在竞争对手中间挑拨离间
3. 嘲弄
Stop playing off that poor old man. 别在嘲弄那个可怜的老头儿了。
play on
1. 比赛(或演奏)中断后继续进行
2. 【板】 (击球手)击(球)触柱出局
3. 【足】 使(队员)不越位
play one's cards well (或right) 见card1 play on words 见word1 play out 把(比赛)进行到分出胜负;演完(剧);打完(比赛) play out time 见time play possum 见possum play sb. false 对某人不忠;出卖某人;欺骗某人
She was played false by a friend. 她被一个朋友骗了。
My memory played me false on the address. 我把地址记错了。
play sb. for 把某人当作…利用
They played him for a fool. 他们把他当傻瓜利用。
play the field 见field play the fool 见fool1 play the fool with 见fool1 play the market 见market play truant 见truant1 play up
1. (比赛时)积极,卖力
2. 夸大…的重要性;对…大肆渲染
He played up his own part in this project. 他夸大了自己在这个项目中的重要性。
3. 给…带来麻烦;使痛苦
My head really plays me up whenever I work overnight. 每次熬夜工作后,我的头都疼得很。
4. (机器等)出故障
play upon (或on)
1. 演奏(乐器);演出
2. 利用(别人的感情等)
play on others' sympathy 利用别人的同情心
3. 对…产生作用;影响
The tragic experiences of his friend have played upon his feelings. 朋友的悲惨经历影响了他的情绪。
play up to
1. 给…当配角
2. 逢迎,巴结
play up to one's boss 巴结老板
play with
1. 戏弄(某人);玩弄(某人的感情等)
He's been playing with her affections. 他一直在玩弄她的感情。
play with words 玩弄辞藻
2. 轻率地对待
He's been playing with the idea of finding a job. 他一直没认真想过找个工作。
play with fire 见fire




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