- 1. roll up
- ♦ 把竹帘子~起来 roll up the bamboo screen
- ♦ ~起袖子就干 roll up one's sleeves and pitch in
- 2. sweep off; carry along
- ♦ 一个大浪把小船~走了。 A huge wave swept the boat away.
- ♦ 汽车飞驰而过, ~起一阵尘土。 A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust.
- ♦ 把书裹成一个~儿寄出去。 Roll up the book and take it to the post.
- ♦ 一~手纸 a roll of toilet paper
- ♦ 一~软片 a roll of film
- ♦ 一~铺盖 a roll of bedding
- 1. book
- ♦ 手不释卷
- 2. chapter, section, or volume; fascicle
- ♦ 这个图书馆藏书十万~。 This library has 100, 000 volumes.
- ♦ 《新大英百科全书》共三十~。 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica is complete in 30 volumes.
- 3. examination paper
- ♦ 交卷
- 4. file; dossier
- ♦ 查~ look through the files 另见 juǎn