

1. lose (money, etc.); have a deficit
做生意~了 have lost money in business
~了二百元 have a deficit of 200 yuan
2. deficient; short
~什么就买什么。 Buy what you're short of.
~你十块钱。 I owe you 10 yuan.
3. treat unfairly
你放心吧, ~不了你。 Don't worry, we won't be unfair to you.
人不~地, 地不~人。 The land won't fail people as long as people don't fail the land.
1. fortunately; luckily; thanks to
~他提醒了我, 要不我早忘了。 Luckily he reminded me; otherwise I'd have forgotten all about it.
2. (used to show sarcasm)
~他说得出口!And he had the nerve to say so!
~你还是个大学生呢, 连这个都不懂。 For a college student, you ought to know better than that!




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