- (
shízài ) - 1. true; real; honest; dependable
- ♦ ~的本事 real ability
- ♦ 心眼儿~ honest; trustworthy
- ♦ 他这个人可~了。 He is an honest and truly dependable man.
- 2. indeed; really; honestly
- ♦ ~太好了。 Very good indeed.
- ♦ 我~不知道。 Honestly I don't know.
- ♦ ~抱歉! I'm really sorry!
- 3. in fact; as a matter of fact
- ♦ 他装懂, ~并没懂。 He pretends to understand, but as a matter of fact he doesn't.
- ♦ 工作做得很~! The work is well-done.