- ♦ 一~铅笔 a dozen pencils
- ♦ 论~出售 sell by the dozen 另见 dǎ
- 1. strike; hit; knock
- ♦ ~门 knock at the door
- ♦ ~稻子 thresh rice
- ♦ 钟~了十下。 The clock struck ten.
- 2. break; smash
- ♦ 我~了一个碗。 I broke a bowl.
- ♦ 窗玻璃~破了。 The windowpane is broken.
- 3. beat; fight; attack
- ♦ 不许~他! You mustn't beat him!
- ♦ 两个人~了起来。 The two men came to blows.
- 4. deal with sb. or sth.
- ♦ 打交道
- ♦ 打官司
- 5. construct; build
- ♦ ~坝 construct a dam
- ♦ ~田埂 build low ridges between paddy fields
- 6. make (articles of daily use or food)
- ♦ ~一把刀 forge a knife
- ♦ ~家具 make furniture
- ♦ ~烧饼 make sesame seed cakes
- 7. mix; stir; beat
- ♦ ~鸡蛋 beat eggs
- ♦ ~糨子 mix paste
- 8. tie up; pack
- ♦ ~行李 pack one's luggage; pack up
- ♦ ~成一捆 tie (things) up in a bundle
- ♦ ~裹脚 wind a puttee
- 9. knit; weave
- ♦ ~草鞋 weave straw sandals
- ♦ ~毛衣 knit a sweater
- 10. draw; paint; make a mark on
- ♦ ~方格儿 draw squares
- ♦ ~手印 put one's fingerprint on a document
- ♦ ~一个问号 put a question mark; put a query
- 11. spray; spread
- ♦ ~农药 spray insecticide
- ♦ 在地板上~蜡 wax the floor
- 12. open; dig
- ♦ ~井 dig (or sink) a well
- ♦ ~炮眼 drill a blasting hole
- 13. hold up; hoist; raise
- ♦ ~灯笼 carry a lantern
- ♦ ~伞 hold up an umbrella
- ♦ ~起精神来 raise one's spirits; cheer up
- 14. send; dispatch; project
- ♦ ~电报 send a telegram
- ♦ ~电话 make a phone call
- ♦ ~信号 give a signal; signal
- ♦ ~炮 fire a cannon
- ♦ ~手电 flash a torch
- 15. issue or receive (a certificate, etc.)
- ♦ ~介绍信 write a letter of introduction (for sb.); get a letter of introduction (from one's organization)
- 16. remove; get rid of
- ♦ ~蛔虫 take medicine to get rid of roundworms; take worm medicine
- 17. ladle; draw
- ♦ ~粥 ladle gruel
- ♦ ~一盆水 fetch a basin of water
- ♦ 从井里~水 draw water from a well
- 18. buy
- ♦ ~酱油 buy soy sauce (in a small quantity with one's own container)
- ♦ ~票 buy a (train, bus, etc.) ticket
- 19. catch; hunt
- ♦ ~鱼 catch fish
- ♦ ~鸟 shoot birds
- ♦ ~野鸭 go duck-hunting
- 20. gather in; collect; reap
- ♦ ~柴 gather firewood
- ♦ ~了八百斤麦子 get in 800 jin of wheat
- 21. estimate; calculate; reckon
- ♦ 成本~二百块钱 estimate (or reckon) the cost at 200 yuan
- ♦ 损耗已经~进去了。 Allowances have been made for damages.
- 22. work out
- ♦ ~草稿 work out a draft
- 23. do; engage in
- ♦ ~短工 work as a day or seasonal labourer; be a temporary worker
- ♦ ~夜班 go on night shift
- 24. play
- ♦ ~篮球 play basketball
- ♦ ~扑克 play cards
- ♦ ~秋千 have a swing
- 25. go through (some physical action)
- ♦ ~手势 make a gesture; gesticulate
- ♦ ~喷嚏 sneeze
- ♦ ~个跟斗 turn (or do) a somersault
- 26. adopt; use
- ♦ ~个比方 draw an analogy
- 27. (used to give a clue to the answer when setting a riddle)
- ♦ 画时圆, 写时方;寒时短, 热时长。——~一字。(谜底:日) When drawn it is round, but when written it is square; in cold weather it is short, and in hot weather long. — A character. (Answer: the character 日 “sun, day”)
- ♦ ~那以后 since then
- ♦ 你~哪儿来? Where have you come from?
- ♦ 他~门缝里往外看。 He looked out through the crack in the door.
- ♦ 他~心眼里感到高兴。 It warmed the cockles of his heart. 另见 dá