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词汇 out
1. 在外;向外;出外
She took out her purse from her bag. 她从包里拿出了钱包。
The little boy opened the door and ran out into the garden. 小男孩打开房门,直奔花园跑去。
Out you go! 出去!
2. 在外;不在家
She is out now. 她现在不在家。
The whole family went out for supper. 全家人出去吃晚饭。
The manager is out at the moment. 经理此刻不在公司。
3. 离开(城市、国家等);远离
She went out to Germany. 她去了德国。
He is out somewhere. 他在远方的某个地方。
4. 去除,去掉
She washed out the stain on her skirt. 她洗掉裙子上的污渍。
The dish has gone mouldy; throw it out. 这盘菜长毛了,扔了吧。
5. 出现;问世;暴露
The sun came out from the heavy clouds. 太阳从乌云中现出来。
Her new record will be out next month. 她的新专辑将在下个月问世。
His scandal has been out. 他的丑闻已经暴露出来了。
6. (花)盛开
The flowers in her garden are out. 她花园里的花开了。
7. 挑出
She picked out the bag that matched her dress. 她挑出搭配衣服的包。
8. 伸出;突出
The boy stuck his tongue out at his mother. 这个男孩对他妈妈伸了一下舌头。
9. 完全地,彻底地
We were all tired out. 我们都累坏了。
I cleared out my room at the weekend. 周末我彻底打扫了一下我的房间。
Please hear me out. 请听我把话讲完。
10. 不再流行,不时兴
Short skirts are out. 短裙已不再流行了。
11. 大声地,响亮地
She reads newspapers out to her grandpa every day. 她每天给爷爷大声读报纸。
12. (火、灯等)熄灭
The fire has gone out. 火灭了。
Turn the light out when you go. 你走的时候把灯关上。
13. 睡着的;昏迷的,无知觉的
The boy was out like a light from exhaustion. 男孩因极度疲劳很快就昏睡过去。
knock somebody out 把某人打晕过去
14. 有差错;不准确
He was out in his calculation. 他的计算有误差。
My account was out by $100. 我的账户有100美元的差错。
15. (政党等)无权地,不执政地
The Prime Minister has just gone out. 首相刚下台。
16. 在罢工
The miners have been out for a week. 矿工们已经罢工一个星期了。
17. 公开宣称是同性恋的
18. 退潮
The tide was out. 退潮了。
19. (板球、棒球等)出局;(羽毛球、篮球等)出界
20. 到尽头,到底
Her luck was out. 她的好运到头了。
I'll arrive before the day is out. 天黑之前我就到。
词组be out and about (伤、病后)能起床走动
His father is out and about now after three weeks in hospital. 他的父亲住院三个星期之后,现在已经可以起床走动了。
be out for 一心想,企求
He is out for a raise in salary. 他一心争取加薪。
be out to do sth. 目的在于
The transnational corporation is out to capture the European market. 这个跨国公司旨在夺取欧洲市场。
out and away 远远地,大大地
This is out and away the best method I know. 据我所知,这是最好的方法了。
out of
1. 从…里面
A girl walked out of the house. 一个女孩从房子里走出来。
2. 离开,脱离
The little girl has been out of danger. 小女孩已经脱离了危险。
3. 缺乏
We are out of salt. 我们的盐用完了。
4. 由于,出于
He helped you out of kindness. 他出于好意帮助你。
5. 由…做成
This bag is made out of leather. 这个包是皮质的。
6. 在…范围之外
He was out of sight turning the corner. 他转过弯去就看不到了。
7. 从…中
He was chosen out of the class to take part in the contest. 他被从全班同学中挑选出来参赛。
8. 出自,来自
These words are out of that novel. 这些话出自那本小说。
9. 从…收入
He made a living out of painting. 他以画画儿为生。
Out with it! 说出来吧!(或:有话尽管说!)




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