- 1. lose; mislay
- ♦ 这套书~了一本。 There's a book missing from the set.
- ♦ 我把钳子~哪儿了? Where have I left my pliers?
- 2. throw; cast; toss
- ♦ 把菜帮子~给小兔吃 throw the outer leaves to the rabbit
- ♦ 不要随地~果皮。 Please don't litter.
- 3. put (or lay) aside
- ♦ ~在脑后 let sth. pass out of one's mind; clean forget; completely ignore
- ♦ 我的法语~了好几年了, 都忘得差不多了。 I haven't used my French for years and have forgotten almost all of it.