

词汇 serve
1. 端上(或提供)食品
The waiter served us. 侍者侍候我们进餐。
Dinner is served between 6 and 9 p.m. 晚餐供应时间为晚上6点到9点。
bread served with butter 面包加黄油
2. 向…供应;足够供给
The cake serves ten. 蛋糕可供10个人吃。
3. 为…服务;为…工作
He served his country in the war. 他为国参战。
4. 适合;对…有用
The old contract no longer serves our needs. 这份旧合同不再符合我们的需要。
The table served him as a bed. 这张桌子被他用作床。
5. 任职,经历;度过(一段时间)
He served two terms as President. 他担任了两届总统。
The boy began to serve his apprenticeship at six. 这个男孩6岁开始当学徒。
He served 10 years in prison. 他坐了10年牢。
6. (商店雇员)接待(顾客)
Are you being served, Madam? 夫人,有人在为您服务吗?
7. (网球、排球等)发(球)
The player served the ball into the net. 球员发球没过网。
8. 【律】 送达(传票等)
The court served a summons on him. 法庭把传票送达于他。
9. 【宗】 在(弥撒)中充当助祭
1. 提供食品;端上(饭菜等)
a waiter serving at table 侍候进餐的侍者
2. 帮佣,当仆人
The boy served in the kitchen. 男孩在厨房里帮工。
3. 服务;服役;工作
He served in the navy for 5 years. 他在海军服役5年。
He served as a consultant in the company. 他任这家公司的顾问。
4. 接待顾客
He served in a shop during the daytime. 白天他在商店里当营业员。
5. 有用;合适
This sofa may serve as a bed. 这张沙发可以当床来用。
This rope is too short to serve. 这条绳子太短不够用。
6. (网球、排球等中的)发球
He served well. 他发球发得好。
7. 【宗】 (弥撒时)充当助祭
词组if (my) memory serves (me) 如果我记得的话 serve out
1. 分发
serve out medicine to the poor 向穷人分发药品
2. 服刑期满,做(或学)完
He served out his 10 years in prison. 他服满了10年刑期。
The boy served out his apprenticeship. 男孩学徒期满了。
3. 报复
He has hurt me times without number,and now I am going to serve him out. 他无数次地伤害我,现在我要报复他。
serve round 分发食物(或弹药等) serve sb. right 给某人以应得的惩罚
It serves him right! 他活该!
serve up
1. 端上(食物或饮料等)
Are you ready to serve up the main course? 你是否可以上主菜了?
2. 端出;提供(事实等)
This time he served up the same excuse again. 这次他又使出老一套借口。




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