

1. clap; pat; beat
~~他的肩膀 pat him on the shoulder
~掉身上的土 pat one's clothes to get the dust off
~桌子大骂 strike the table and pour out a stream of abuse
~球 bounce a ball
~~翅膀 flap wings; beat wings
惊涛~岸 mighty waves beating the shore
2. take (a picture); shoot
~电影 shoot (or make) a film
这部小说已~成电影了。 This novel has been made into a film.
今天天气不好, 外景~不成了。 We can't shoot the outdoor scenes in this foul weather.
3. send (a telegram, etc.)
~电报 send a telegram
4. flatter; fawn on
一不会吹, 二不会~ not be given to bragging or toadying
1. bat; racket
乒乓球~ ping-pong bat
网球~ tennis racket
苍蝇~儿 flyswatter
2.beat; time
一小节四~ four beats in (or to ) a bar
4~的。 What time is the song in?—It's in four-four time.




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