- 1. turn
- ♦ ~过墙角 turn the corner of a house
- ♦ ~进一条胡同 turn into an alley
- ♦ 往左~ turn to the left
- ♦ 前面走不通了, 咱们~回去吧。 We can't get through here, let's turn back.
- 2. limp
- ♦ 他一~一~地走。 He limped along. or He walked with a limp.
- 3. swindle; make off with
- ♦ ~款潜逃 abscond with funds
- 4. abduct; kidnap
- 1.
方 corner; turning - ♦ 墙~ a corner formed by two walls
- 2. crutch
- ♦ 走路架着双~ walk on crutches