

词汇 death
1. U 死,死亡
the death of his mother 他母亲的去世
2. U,用作单 破灭;消失;毁灭
the death of one's hopes 希望的破灭
the death of a language 一种语言的消亡
3. C 致死的原因
Smoking will be the death of him. 吸烟会使他丧命的。
4. C,常用单 死亡的方式
die a horrible death 死得很惨
5. U 死亡的状态
as cold as death 死一般的冰凉
6. U,用作单 死神
词组at death's door 将死 catch one's death 得重伤风;得重感冒 put to death 处死
The prisoners were all put to death. 所有的囚犯都被处死了。
to death
1. 极度
I am sick to death of his complaints. 我对他的抱怨烦死了。
2. 致死
be scared to death 吓死
to the death 到底;至死
fight to the death 血战到底;宁死不屈




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