

词汇 take
take/teɪk/ (took, taken; taking)
1. 攻占,夺得
2. 做…,干…;进行…
take a look at sth. 看一看某物
take a shower 洗淋浴
3. 抓,抓住;得到,掌握
Take my hand, please. 请抓住我的手。
be sure to take hold of the situation 确保掌握形势
4. 捕猎;捕获
It is illegal to take pandas in China. 捕猎大熊猫在中国是违法的。
5. 吸引
The accident took my attention. 事故引起了我的关注。
6. 征用;占用;拿走,取走
Thousands of lives were taken in the war. 战争夺走了成千上万的人的生命。
Land was taken for urbanization. 因城市化(的需要)征用了土地。
7. 赢得;(下棋时)吃掉;俘虏
take capture 俘获
8. 拿走;带走;捎去
take a message to sb. 给某人捎个口信
take the first place in the race 获得赛跑第一名
9. 接受;接收
take a suggestion 接受建议
take new members 接纳新成员
10. 领会并接受
Please take my gist. 请领会我的主旨。
11. 以为,认为;把…看做;对待;处理
take it for granted 认为…是当然的
12. 忍受;遭受;承受
take adversities 承受挫折
13. 就职
take office 上任
take the throne (或crown) 登基,继承王位
14. 承担(责任、任务等);负责…
take the blame 承担过错
take the defence task 承担防守任务
15. 食用;服用;吸入;享受
Take three pills a day. (该药)一天服3片。
16. 受(寒);患(病)
take cold 着凉;患感冒
17. 常用被动 (疾病等)突然袭击
take sb. a box on the ear 打某人一记耳光
be taken ill 得病
18. 选取;采取;提出;利用
We can take anyone from them. 我们可从中选取任何一个。
take action 采取行动
19. 沾染;呈现
It takes the flavor of milk. 它有一种奶香味。
the devil taking the likeness of a human being 人形的魔鬼
20. (头脑中)产生;形成;体验到
take a notion 产生一个念头
21. 搭乘(交通工具)
take a taxi to school 坐出租车上学
22. 占用;花费
The school takes 2 acres of land. 学校占地两公顷。
It takes one hour to finish the homework. 完成家庭作业要花一小时。
23. 记下,写下
take notes 记笔记
24. 选修
I took 10 courses in the first year of college. 大学第一年我选修了10门课。
25. 以…为例
To illustrate, let's take Pearl Harbor (for example). 为了说明,我们以珍珠港事件为例。
1. 起作用;奏效
That measure takes. 那项措施奏效。
You can see how my words take. 你可以看看我的话效果如何。
2. 抓住;扎住
The lock took with a click. 咔嗒一声,锁弹上了。
3. 获得财产
take as heir 继承遗产
4. 【棋】 吃掉对方棋子
5. (鱼)咬饵,上钩
Fish took soon after. 不久就有鱼咬饵了。
6. (嫁接植物、移植器官等)长合;成活;(种子等)生根;发芽
7. (作品等)受欢迎
The film took greatly. 该影片获得极大的成功。
8. (被)拍摄
She took well. 她很上像。
词组be taken short 突然想要大便 have (got) what it takes 具备(成功)所需的条件 take aback 常用被动 使吃惊;使困惑
I was taken aback by his attitude. 我为他的态度吃惊。
take advantage of 见advantage take after 不用进行式
1. 与…(在外貌、性格等方面)相像
She takes after her mother very much. 她很像她母亲。
2. 仿效
The son took after his father and became a good writer. 那位儿子仿效父亲成了一个好作家。
3. 追赶
take against 主英 不喜欢;不赞成 take amiss 因曲解…而生气 take apart
1. 拆卸;拆开
2. (比赛中)打败,击败
3. 严厉抨击
4. 蹂躏
take away from 减弱;贬低 take back
1. 接回;收回;退回;归还
2. 允许回来;接受
3. 收回;撤回
4. 勾起(对…的)回忆
take down
1. 放下;拿下;服下
2. 记下;录下;抄下
3. 拆卸;拆除
4. 使下沉;使下降;带领…下去
take effect 见effect take for
1. 把…当作
2. 把…误认为;把…误以为
We took him for dead. 我们误以为他死了。
take for granted 见grant take from
1. (从…)减去
2. (从…)摘选出
3. (从…处)遭受
4. 减少,减弱,减损
take in
1. 让…进入;接纳;吸收
2. 陪同
3. 拘留;扣留
4. 收紧
5. 留宿;收留
6. 收入
take in 30,000 pounds a year 年收入3万英镑
7. 理解;接受(思想)
8. 开始
The school takes in at 8 o'clock. 学校8点开始上课。
9. 欺骗
Don't be taken in by his promises. 不要被他的允诺所蒙骗!
take it
1. 默默同意
2. 忍受
3. 相信
take off
1. 脱下;拿掉;移去
2. 截断;切除
3. 领走;处罚;匆匆离开
4. 取走;带走
5. 中止;取消
6. 扣除;减去
7. 休息;休假
8. 夺取…生命;杀死
take on
1. 披上,穿上,戴上;呈现
2. (体重)增加
She took on 2 kilograms of weight in one month. 她在一个月中增加了2公斤体重。
3. 装载
The bus doesn't take on passengers there. 这趟公共汽车在那儿不载客。
4. 采用,采纳
We'd better take on the local customs when living there. 在那儿住下,我们就得随当地的习俗。
5. 开始处理;承担
take on a new job 做一项新工作
6. 摆架子;假装
Don't take on so. 别这样摆架子。
7. 流行;被接受
This fashion took on last year. 这种服装去年流行。
take out
1. 取出;摘除
Please take out the blue one. 请拿出那个蓝色的。
2. 除去;扣除
take the stains out of the shirt 从衬衫上除去污渍
take out the costs and turn in the rest of the money 扣除花费后上缴剩下的钱
3. 带…出去;带领…外出活动
4. 启程,出发
take out for Beijing 启程去北京
take over
1. 将…带到(另一地);把…拿给
He took the tea over to James. 他把茶拿给詹姆斯。
2. 接管,接任
take over the administration 接管政府
3. 继承,承袭
We took over traditions from our ancestors. 我们从先人那里承袭传统。
4. 取而代之;取得主导地位
A new point of view is taking over. 人们正普遍地接受一种新观念。
take to
1. 开始,开始从事;开始形成习惯
He took to smoking ever since then. 打那以后,他便开始吸烟。
2. 对…产生好感;开始喜欢
She took to football, too. 她也开始喜欢足球了。
3. 去往;走上;登上
take to hiking 去远足
4. 求助于,求援于
When in difficulty, she took to her uncle. 遇到困难她会求助于她叔叔。
5. 照管;照料
She took to her baby daughter carefully. 她很仔细地照顾自己的小女儿。
take up
1. 拿起;抬起
Take up your left leg and jump. 抬起你的左腿,然后跳起来。
2. 搭载(乘客)
take up passengers (汽车等)搭载乘客
3. 吸收;溶解
Water takes up salt. 水溶解盐。
4. 沾染;感受
Mosquitoes take up disease easily. 蚊虫容易沾染疾病。
5. 开始(对…)发生兴趣;着手处理;论及
In the second class, he took up the Latin history. 在第二节课上,他谈到拉丁文的历史。
6. 接受(信仰、观点等);承担
take up the role of the instructor 担当授课者的角色
7. 占用(地方、时间、注意力等)
My work has taken up all my time. 我的工作占去了我所有的时间。
8. 指责,责备
9. (付息)借(款);承兑;兑付(汇票等);付清(欠款等);赎回(抵押品等);认购(股份等);收(捐款等)
take up a collection 募捐
take up a loan 借款
10. 拘捕
be taken up for robbery 因抢劫而遭拘捕
take up with
1. 致力于
He took up with writing. 他致力于写作。
2. 开始与…来往;开始与…亲密交往
They took up with each other after the accident. 自那件意外事故之后,他们便开始了密切交往。
3. 采纳
take up with new measures 采取新措施

take, seize, snatch


Don't forget to take your bag when you go.走的时候别忘了拿你的包。

He seized my handbag and ran off with it.他猛地夺过我的手提包跑掉了。

She snatched the letter from me. 她从我这里把信抢走了。


She had always wanted to go to London, so she seized on (或 snatched at) the offer of a free trip.她一直想去伦敦,因此抓住了这个免费旅行的机会。





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