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1. go; go to (a place)
我~。 I'll go.
他已经~了。 He has already gone.
他~了三天, 还没回来。 He's been away for three days, and hasn't come back yet.
昨天已经~了三个人。 Three people went there yesterday.
2. cause to go; send there
我给他~过两封信。 I sent him two letters.
给她~个电话。 Give her a call.
已经~了一个电报。 A telegram has been sent (to him).
我们只~了个代表。 We only sent a representative.
3. remove; get rid of
~头屑 get rid of dandruff
汽油能~油迹。 Gas is good for taking out oil stains.
~了皮再吃。 Peel it before you eat it.
4. (used before and / or after a verb) go in order to; be going to (do sth. there)
你们~研究研究, 看该怎么办。 Go and make a study of it, and see what's the best thing to do.
这件事我~办吧 Let me (go and) arrange this.
你别管, 让他自己~想办法。 Don't bother, let him figure it out for himself.
5. (used between two verbal expressions, and / or after the second expression) in order to (do sth. there)
他回家吃饭~了。 He went home to eat.
他提了一桶水~浇花。 He took a bucket of water to water the flowers.
用辩证唯物主义的观点~观察事物 look at things from a dialectical-materialist point of view
6. be apart from in space or time
两地相~40里。 The two places are 40 li apart.
~今五十年 50 years ago
7. (used after verbs of motion, indicating motion away from the speaker) thither; there; away
上楼~ go upstairs
回家~ go home
谁把我的笔拿~了?Who's taken my pen away?
8. (used after certain verbs to express the idea of detachment, separation, or loss)
把多余的枝叶剪~。 Cut off the unnecessary twigs and branches.
这些琐碎事情占~了他不少时间。 Such small things take up a lot of his time.
just gone or elapsed
~秋 last autumn
~冬今春 last winter and this spring




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