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1. (used for an actual action) again
他~来了。 Here he comes again.
我~到那儿去了。 I went there again.
他说了~说。 He said it over and over again.
2. also; in addition
这个很好, ~便宜。 This is very good, and inexpensive too.
天很黑, ~下着雨, 路更难走了。 On top of it being dark it was raining, which made the going even tougher.
3. (used between a whole number and a fraction) and
一~二分之一 one and a half
4. (used, sometimes in pairs, to indicate contrary actions or ideas)
他答应了来~不来。 He promised to come but didn't.
刚才太冷, 现在~太热了。 Just a moment ago it was too cold, now it's too hot.
5. (used in a negative statement or a rhetorical question for emphasis)
这活儿~不重, 我一个人顶得下来。 That's not a hard job. I'm sure I can manage it alone.
这样做~有什么好处呢? What good is there in doing that?
6. (reduplicated, with verbs or adjectives) both ... and ...; not only ... but also ...
坐飞机~快~舒服。 The plane is both quick and comfortable.
这儿的东西~便宜~好。 Things here are not only inexpensive but also good.
~哭~闹 make a tearful scene




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