

词汇 cancel
cancelcan•cel /'kænsəl/ (cancelled, cancelled; cancelling, canceled, canceled; canceling )
1. 撤销,取消;废除,终止
He canceled his order for a new car. 他取消了买新车的订单。
He cancelled a disputed clause in the contract. 他废除了契约中有争执的条文。
2. 【印】盖销(票、邮票或其他票证以防再用); 注销
cancelled stamps 已盖销的邮票
a cancelled cheque 已付讫的支票
cancel with a mark 加印(戳)盖销
3. 抵消;对消
The increase in the strength of their navy is cancelled by that in our army. 他们海军力量的增长被我军陆军力量的增长所抵消。
4. 删去,划掉
cancel the underlined phrases from the manuscript 将手稿中划线部分的词语删去
5. 【数】 约去;消去
Nine and twelve can be cancelled by three. 9和12的公约数是3。
1. 取消约会(或比赛、订货等)
2. 相互抵消效果(或力量等)
3. 【数】 约去;消去
词组cancel out
1. (相互)抵消
The effort involved in travel cancelled out the possible pleasure he would have. 他在旅行中所费的劲抵消了他可能得到的愉快。
2. 除去,抵消(某种款项);删去
cancel out the charge 销账




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