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词汇 shadow
shadowshad•ow /'ʃædəʊ/
1. U 阴暗,阴影
He was sitting in the shadow. 他坐在阴暗处。
The room is half in shadow. 房间的一部分没有阳光。
2. C 影子
the shadow of a building 建筑物的影子
We buried him in the shadow of the oak. 我们把他埋在了橡树下。
The tree cast a shadow on the wall. 这棵树在墙上投下了一个影子。
3. C 阴影
His death cast a shadow over the victory. 他的死给胜利蒙上了一层阴影。
4. C 阴暗部分
He seemed tired and there were shadows under his eyes. 他眼睛下有黑圈,看起来很疲劳。
5. C 形影不离的人(或物)
She is my shadow. 我和她形影不离。
The dog became her shadow and never left her side. 这只狗紧紧追随着她,从未离开过她的左右。
词组be afraid of one's (own) shadow 胆小如鼠;极易受惊 be the(或a) shadow of one's former self 瘦弱不堪
She is a shadow of her former self. 她简直瘦得变了形。
catch at shadows 捕风捉影 in sb.'s (或the) shadow (of...) 在某人的势力(或影响)下
He was living in the shadow of his famous father. 他活在父亲的盛名之下。
without (或beyond) a shadow of a doubt 无丝毫的怀疑;相信
Without a shadow of a doubt he's the best singer we've ever met. 我们确信他是我们见过的最优秀的歌唱家。




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