- ♦ 新正 另见 zhèng
- 1. straight; upright
- ♦ ~前方 straight ahead
- ♦ ~东(南、西、北) due east (south, west, north)
- ♦ 把柱子扶~ set the post upright
- ♦ 这幅画挂得不~。 This picture is not straight.
- 2. situated in the middle; main
- ♦ 正门
- ♦ 正厅
- 3. punctually; sharp
- ♦ 九点~ at nine o'clock sharp
- 4. obverse; right
- ♦ 布的这一面是~的吗? Is this the right side of the cloth?
- ♦ 这件茄克~穿反穿都可以。 You can wear this jacket inside out.
- 5. honest; upright
- ♦ 他作风不~。 His behaviour is not proper.
- 6. correct; right
- ♦ 路子走得~ follow a correct path
- 7. (of colour, flavour, etc.) pure; right
- ♦ ~黄 pure yellow
- ♦ 味儿不~ not the right flavour
- 8. regular; standard
- ♦ 正楷
- 9. (
反 副 “secondary, vice-”) principal; chief - ♦ ~副主任 director and deputy director
- ♦ ~驾驶员 first pilot (
反 副驾驶员“copilot”) - 10. (of figures, designs, etc.) regular
- ♦ ~八边形 regular octagon
- ♦ ~多面体 regular polyhedron
- 11.
数 positive - 12.
物 positive; plus - ♦ ~晶体 positive crystal
- ♦ ~离子 positive ion; cation
- 1. rectify; straighten; set right
- ♦ 把帽子~一~ put one's cap straight
- ♦ 把领带~一~ straighten one's tie
- 2. make right; correct
- ♦ 正误
- ♦ 正音
- 1. just; right; precisely; exactly
- ♦ ~如上文所述 just as mentioned above
- ♦ 大小~合适 just the right size
- ♦ 我~要谈这个问题。 I'm just coming to that point.
- 2. just (doing sth.); just now
- ♦ 他~吃着饭呢。 He's eating just now.
- ♦ ~下着雨呢。 It's raining. 另见 zhēng