- 1. C,U
回报,报答,报偿 -
• Her devotion was his reward. 她的专情便是对他的报答。 -
• the emotional rewards for parenthood 为人父母所得到的感情回报 - 2. C
报酬;酬金;奖金 -
• In the end, however, she had reaped her reward. 但她最终获得了应有的报酬。 -
• The fireman received a reward for saving the child's life. 消防队员因救了小孩的命而得到一笔奖金。 - 3. C
赏金 -
• There is a reward of $100 for the person who returns the lost jewellery to its owner. 将所失珠宝送还给失主者可获100美元的赏金。 -
• Rewards are given for the capture of criminals. 将罪犯抓获可获赏金。
reward, award
The police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery. 警方重金悬赏为这起抢劫案提供线索者。
The award for this year's best actress went to his sister. 他的姐姐获本年度最佳女演员奖。