- 1. poke; stab
- ♦ 在硬纸盒上~个洞 poke a hole in the cardboard box
- ♦ 把炉子~~ give the fire a poke
- ♦ 用刺刀~ stab with a bayonet
- 2. touch; push; nudge
- ♦ 他用胳膊肘~了我一下。 He gave me a nudge.
- 3. disclose; give away; let out
- ♦ 谁把秘密给~出去了? Who gave away (or let out) the secret?
- ♦ 他是个直性子, 把看到的事儿都~出来了。 He's a straightforward man, and told everything he'd seen.