- 1. put in order; tidy; clear away
- ♦ 把工具~一下。 Put the tools in order.
- ♦ ~屋子 tidy up the room
- ♦ ~床铺 make the bed
- ♦ ~碗筷 clear away the bowls and chopsticks; clear the table
- 2. get things ready; pack
- ♦ ~药箱 get one's medical kit ready; pack one's medical kit
- ♦ ~行李 pack one's luggage; pack up one's things
- 3. repair; mend
- ♦ ~鞋子 mend shoes
- 4.
口 settle with; punish - ♦ 早晚我们要~这个坏蛋。 We'll settle with the scoundrel one of these days.