释义 |
死[sǐ]动die; be dead
- ♦ 这次车祸~了五人。 The accident took five people's lives.
- ♦ ~一般的寂静 a deathly stillness
- ♦ 被打~ be beaten to death
- ♦ 我差点没笑~。 I just about died laughing.
副- 1. to the death
- ♦ 死战
- 2. extremely; to death
- ♦ 高兴~了 be extremely happy
- ♦ 累~了 be tired to death; be dog-tired
- ♦ 渴得要~ be parched with thirst; be dying for a drink
- ♦ ~咸~咸的 terribly salty
- ♦ ~沉~沉的 awfully heavy
- ♦ ~顽固 diehard
- 3. (used before verbs in the negative) stubbornly; adamantly; unyieldingly
- ♦ ~不改悔 be absolutely unrepentant; be incorrigible
- ♦ ~不要脸 be dead to all feelings of shame; be utterly shameless
形- 1. implacable; deadly
- ♦ 死对头
- 2. fixed; rigid; inflexible
- ♦ ~规矩 a rigid rule
- ♦ ~教条 lifeless dogma
- 3. impassable; closed
- ♦ 把漏洞堵~ plug the holes; stop up loopholes
- ♦ 窗户钉~了。 The window has been nailed fast.