

词汇 moon
1. 用作单 月球
the surface of the moon 月球表面
2. 用作单 月亮
There's no moon tonight. 今晚没有月亮。
a full moon 满月
3. C 【天】 卫星
4. U 月光
in the moon 在月光下
5. C 月状物
词组ask (或cry) for the moon 想得到不可能得到的东西;想做做不到的事 bark at the moon 空喊,徒劳地吵闹
Those who protested against the president's decision were actually barking at the moon, since they were in a powerless minority. 由于他们属于软弱无力的少数,他们反对总统的决定实际上是枉费唇舌。
bay at the moon 费力做没有价值的事,徒劳 many moons ago 很久以前
I saw him many moons ago. 很久以前我曾见过他。
over the moon 非常快乐,狂喜
He's over the moon about being a father. 他因做了父亲而乐坏了。
pay(或offer) the moon 支付大笔款项 promise the moon 做无法兑现的许诺
I can't promise you the moon, but I'll do the best job I can. 我不对你胡乱许诺,不过我会尽力而为的。
shoot the moon 夜逃,为逃避房租而半夜逃走




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