

词汇 word
1. C 词,单词;字
a new word 生词
How do you pronounce this word? 这个单词怎么读?
the number of words in a passage 一段话中的字数
2. C 话;言辞,言语
Please explain it in your own words. 请用你自己的话解释一下。
I'll give you a word of advice. 我想给你一句忠告。
3. C 谈话
I would like have a word with you. 我想跟你谈谈。
4. U,用作单 消息;传闻,谣言
I received word of his safe arrival. 我接到了他平安抵达的消息。
Word (或The word) got around that he had resigned. 谣传他已经辞职。
5. C,常用单 命令;决定
My boss has the final word on employing staff. 我的老板有权决定员工的雇佣问题。
The officer gave the word and they moved forward. 军官下令,他们向前进发。
6. U 诺言;保证
She kept her word. 她信守了她的诺言。
He gave her his word that he would never be late again. 他向她保证绝不再迟到。
7. 用作单 确切的字眼
Beautiful wasn't the word for the sentence. “漂亮”这词用在这里不是最贴切的。
Gentle is not the word for her. 温柔用在她身上太离谱。
8. [~s] 歌词;台词;争论
I know the tune of the song, but I don't know the words. 我知道那首歌的曲调,但不知道歌词。
9. 用作单 口令;暗号
You must give the word before you can pass. 你必须说出口令才能通行。
10. 【电子】 字(指在计算机和信息处理系统中作为一个单元的一组字符)
词组be as good as one's word 守信 beyond words 难以用言语形容 by word of mouth 从口头上 eat one's words ( 被迫)承认自己说的话是错的 get a word in edgewise(或edgeways)( 在别人谈话时)插嘴 hang on(或upon) sb.'s words 认真地听某人的话 have words with sb. 与某人吵嘴 in a (或one)word 简而言之,总之,一句话 in other words 换句话说;也就是说 in so many words 直截了当的,明确的 play on (或 upon)words 使用双关语 pledge one's word 保证;答应;应允 put words into(或in)sb.'s mouth 教某人怎样讲;硬说某人说过某些话 say the word 吩咐一下 take sb. at their word 听信某人的话 take the words right out of sb.'s mouth 先讲出某人要讲的话 upon my word 说实在话,我敢保证 weigh one's words 斟酌字句 word for word 逐字地;一字不变地




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