- 1. make; build; create
- ♦ ~舆论 create (or prepare) public opinion
- ♦ ~预算 make (or draw up) a budget
- ♦ ~表 draw up a form or list
- ♦ ~册 compile a register
- 2. invent; cook up; concoct
- ♦ ~假账 cook accounts
- 3. train; educate
- ♦ 深造
- 1.
法 one of the two parties in a legal agreement or a lawsuit - ♦ 两~ both parties (in a lawsuit)
- 2.
方 crop - ♦ 早~ early crops
- ♦ 一年三~ three crops a year
- 3. achievements; attainments
- ♦ 造诣