

1. calculate; reckon; compute; figure
~~旅行的费用 calculate the cost of a journey
能写会~ good at writing and reckoning
请你~一~我该付多少钱。 Please reckon up how much I must pay.
2. include; count
~上你, 一共十个人。 There'll be ten people, including you.
把我也~上。 Count me in.
3. plan; calculate
4. guess; think; suppose
我~他今天该动身了。 I suppose he'll have started (or be starting) today.
5. consider; regard as; count as
他可以~一个车把势。 He can be counted as a carter.
6. carry weight; count
我一个人说的不~, 还得大伙儿说。 It's not just what I say, but what we all say, that counts.
你怎么刚说了又不~了? You just made a promise and now you've gone back on it!
7. (followed by 了 le) let it be; let it pass
~了, 别说了。 That's enough! Let it go at that. or Forget it.
他不愿意去就~了吧, 咱们反正去。 If he doesn't want to go, he doesn't need to. We'll go anyway.
at long last; in the end; finally
现在~把情况弄清楚了。 At long last we have got things clear. or We've finally sized up the situation.
问题~解决了。 The problem is finally solved.




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