- 1. aborigines
- 2. foreign; barbarian
- 3. (used in names for certain plants originally introduced from abroad)
- ♦ 番茄
- ♦ 番薯
- 1. (for actions, deeds, etc.)
- ♦ 下过一~功夫 have put in a lot of time and effort
- ♦ 费了一~口舌才使他回心转意。 It took a lot of talking to bring him round.
- ♦ 她上上下下打量了我一~。 She looked me up and down.
- 2. (used with the numeral 一 only) kind
- ♦ 洞里别有一~天地。 The cave is an altogether different world.
- 3. (used after the verb 翻) times; -fold
- ♦ 翻番