

1. (for a round trip)
这辆卡车昨天往工地跑了三~。 Yesterday the truck made three trips to the construction site.
这一~来, 是专给你们送好消息的。 I've come to bring you a piece of good news.
2. (for a single trip of a train)
刚开出一~列车。 A train has just left.
一下子到了好几~车, 站台上挤满了人。 A number of trains arrived almost at the same time, and the platforms were crowded.
3. (for a street or things arranged in a row)
一~街 a street
两~桌子 two rows of tables
几~大字 a few lines of big characters
sth. that is going on
跟不上~ lag behind




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