释义 |
满[mǎn]形- 1. full; filled; packed
- ♦ ~~一卡车煤 a full truckload of coal
- ♦ 这两个抽屉都~了。 Both drawers are full.
- ♦ 话不能说得太~、太绝。 One shouldn't speak in absolute terms, leaving no room for compromise.
- ♦ ~头大汗 one's face streaming with sweat
- ♦ ~脑子封建思想 be steeped in feudal ideology
- 2. satisfied
- ♦ 不满
- 3. complacent; conceited
- ♦ 自满
动- 1. fill
- ♦ 再给你~上一杯。 Let me fill your glass once more.
- 2. expire; reach the limit
- ♦ 年~十八的公民 citizens who have reached the age of 18
- ♦ 他的服役期还没~。 His term of military service hasn't expired yet.
- ♦ 她学徒还不~一年。 It isn't a year yet since she became an apprentice.
- ♦ 假期已~。 The holidays are over.
副- 1. completely; entirely; perfectly
- ♦ ~有信心 be fully confident
- ♦ ~不是那么回事。 That wasn't the way it was at all.
- ♦ 我~以为他会同意的。 I had counted on him to agree with me.
- 2. quite; very
- ♦ 这首歌~好听。 This song is quite pleasant.
- ♦ 您说的~对。 What you've said is quite right.
- ♦ 节目倒也~不错。 The performances were pretty good.
名the Man ethnic group (另见〖满族〗)