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1. look after; take care of; tend
~孩子 look after children
他病很重, 得有人~着。 He is seriously ill and needs someone to look after him.
2. keep under surveillance; keep an eye on
~住他, 别让这坏家伙跑了!Keep an eye on that rascal. Don't let him run away.
这场比赛你要~住对方中锋。 Your job in this match is to mark the opponent's centre.
另见 kàn
1. see; look at; watch
~电影 see a film; go to the movies
~戏 go to the theatre; see a play (or an opera)
~电视 watch TV
~球赛 watch a ball game
2. read (silently)
~报 read a newspaper
~书 read (a book)
3. think; consider
你~她这个人可靠吗?Do you think she's reliable?
你对这件事怎么~?What's your view on this matter?
4. look upon; regard
把人民的利益~得高于一切 put the interests of the people above all else
5. see or consult (a doctor); treat (a patient or an illness)
李大夫把她的肺炎~好了。 Dr. Li has cured her of pneumonia.
有病就该去~。 You ought to go and see a doctor when you are ill.
6. look after
衣帽自~。 Take care of your own hats and coats.
7. call on; visit; see
我明天去~他。 I'll go and see him tomorrow.
有空我来~你。 I'll drop in on you when I have time.
8. depend on
明天是不是打场, 得~天气。 Whether we'll do the threshing tomorrow will depend on the weather.
9. mind; watch out
别跑这么快!~摔着!Don't run so fast!Mind you don't fall.
10. (used after a reduplicated verb or a verb phrase) try and see (what happens)
试试~ have a try
等一等~ wait and see
尝尝~。 Just taste this.
11. (used in exclamations to express surprise or rebuke, esp. in the phrase 看你 or 你看你)
你~你!怎么满头大汗啊!Look at yourself! How come you're bathed in sweat!
另见 kān




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