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词汇 strain
1. (过度使用而)劳损
strain a muscle 肌肉劳损
You'll strain your eyes by reading in such a bad light. 在如此微弱的光线下阅读会损伤你的眼睛。
2. 竭尽全力;竭力喊出
He strained his ears to hear their conversation. 他聚精会神地听他们的谈话。
I strained my voice to shout. 我扯着嗓门叫喊。
3. 超越…之所及
My patience has been strained to the limit. 我的忍耐已经到了极限。
The story strains my credulity. 那故事太离谱,我不敢相信。
4. 拉紧;扯紧
strain a rope 拉紧绳子
The nurse strained the bandage over his wound. 护士把绷带紧扎住他的伤口。
5. 过滤;滤去
strain coffee 滤咖啡
The tea has been strained. 茶叶已被滤去。
1. 尽力,使劲
The singer strained to reach the high notes. 歌手竭尽全力唱出高音。
My eyes strained to catch a glimpse of that film star. 我极目望去,想看一眼那个影星。
2. 被过滤;渗出
Blood strained through the wound. 血从伤口里渗出来。
词组strain after 竭力追求,拼命争取
He spoiled a good story by strain-ing after the effects. 为了追求效果,他把本来很好的小说弄糟了。
strain at
1. 顾虑重重,难以接受
I could strain at your interpretation. 你的解释我难以接受。
2. 用力拉(或推)
Several men were straining at the rope. 几个人在使劲拉绳子。
strain at the leash 见leash strain every nerve 见nerve strain oneself
1. 劳累过度,鼓足干劲
The doctor warned him against straining himself. 医生警告他不要劳累过度。
2. 扭伤
I strained myself moving the sofa. 我因为搬沙发而扭伤了。




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