

词汇 same
1. [常与the, this或that等词连用] 同样的人;同样的事物:“How's your wife?”“The same. Thanks.” “你爱人怎么样?” “老样子。谢谢你关心。”
The coins may look the same, but one is a forgery. 这些硬币也许看起来一样,但有一枚是假币。
2. [法律、商业文书上的用法,常略去定冠词] 该人;上述情况
We have heard from your office and have replied to same. 贵方来函已收悉,我方已回复。
词组all the same
1. 仍然,依然,照样
You can stay or leave;it's all the same to me. 你留下也好,走也好,对我来说都一样。
2. 完全一样,毫无区别;无所谓
Do as you like:it is all the same to me. 做你的好了,对我来说无所谓。
just the same 仍然,依然,照样
He made many mistakes,but his wife loved him just the same. 他犯了很多错误,但他妻子依然爱他。
one and the same 完全一样(的)
The twin brothers are of one and the same sort--they are both bad. 那对孪生兄弟是一丘之貉,都很坏。
(the) same to you
1. [用于回答对方的祝愿] 同喜;你也一样;祝你也这样
2. [用于回答对方的辱骂] 你也是,你也如此
think the same of 对…的看法依然如故
Time passed, but I thought the same of him. 时间过了很久,而我对他的看法依然如故。




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