

词汇 get
get/ɡet/ (got, got或gotten主美; getting)
1. 收到;接到,经历
I got a letter from my sister this morning. 今天早晨我收到妹妹的来信。
This area gets a lot of rain in this season. 这个季节这里经常下雨。
2. 获得;赢得
She's just got a job with a publishing company. 她刚获得出版公司的工作。
get the first prize 得头奖
3. 购买;预定
Where did you get that skirt? 你从哪儿买的那条裙子?
I rang up to see if I could get a single room. 我打电话去问是否可以预定一个单人间。
4. 卖得;挣得
I got 500 pounds for my old car. 我的旧汽车卖了500英镑。
He only gets 200 dollars a week. 他一周仅挣200美元。
5. (去)取来
Let me get my camera. 我去把照相机拿来。
Please get me a cup of coffee. 去给我拿一杯咖啡来。
6. 抓住;捕获
He was on the run for a week before the police got him. 他逃跑一周后警方才逮住他。
7. 得(病)
She gets bad headaches. 她经常头痛。
8. (赶)上(汽车等)
She didn't get the first bus. 她没赶上头班车。
9. 使…达到(某地、某个位置或状态)
How did you manage to get the shelf down the stairs? 你是怎么把架子搬下楼的?
get the supper ready 准备好晚餐
get sb. to do homework 说服某人做家庭作业
get one's leg broken 把腿弄断了
10. 理解;学会;记住
I got the hint - he just didn't want me to go with him. 我明白他的意思了,他就是不想让我和他一起去。
I get it. 我明白了。
get the verse by heart 把这首诗背熟
11. (用收音机或电视机)接收到;(用电话等)与…取得联系
We can't get Channel 4 on our television. 我们的电视机收不到第4频道的节目。
I wanted to speak to the manager but I got his secretary instead. 我想找经理说话,可接电话的是他的秘书。
12. 接(电话),开(门)
Would you get the phone? 你去接电话好吗?
13. 迷住
This book really gets me. 这本书真让我着迷。
14. 把…问倒;使恼火
What's the capital of Luxembourg? I don't know; you've got me there! 卢森堡的首都叫什么?我不知道,你可难住我了!
15. 受到(惩罚)
He got ten years for armed robbery. 他因抢劫罪被判10年徒刑。
16. 抓住,击中;杀死;向…报仇
The bullet got him in the head. 子弹打中了他的头部。
It got him in the end. 这终于将他置于死地。
I'll get him for that one day. 总有一天我会跟他算这笔帐的。
1. 到达
We got home at 7 o'clock. 我们7点钟到的家。
2. 变得
It's getting colder. 天气逐渐变冷。
get angry 发怒
3. [与过去分词连用构成被动语态] 被,受
get hurt 受伤
get re-elected 再度当选
4. [后接动词的-ing形式] 开始
They soon got talking together. 他们不久就一起谈了起来。
5. [后接不定式] 主美 有机会能;设法(做到)
My father never got to go to school. 我父亲从没有机会上学。
6. 获得财富;赚钱
He spent all his time getting and spending. 他把所有的时间都花在赚钱花钱上。
词组get about
1. (病后)走动;四处旅行
He was ill last week, but he is getting about now. 上星期他病了,但现在已能走动了。
Do you get about much in your job? 你的工作需要经常出差吗?
2. (消息等)传开
The news of his resignation soon got about. 他辞职的消息很快就传开了。
get across
1. (使)(观点、主意等)被理解,把…讲清楚
He found it difficult to get his Chinese humour across to an English audience. 他发现自己的中国式幽默很难为英国听众理解。
2. (使)通过
The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across. 桥被破坏了,所以我们无法过河。
get ahead
1. (使)走在前面;(使)领先
An early arrival will get them well ahead of others. 早一些到达将使他们比别人超前许多。
2. 胜过
get ahead of one's rivals 胜过对手
3. 取得进展
Tom is getting ahead in his project. 汤姆的项目在取得进展。
get along
1. (与…)合得来,能和睦相处
They get along amazingly well. 他们相处得十分融洽。
2. 前进
The car could hardly get along on the icy surface. 汽车在结了冰的路面上几乎无法前行。
3. 离开;走开
The policeman told the boys on the street corner to get along. 警察叫街道拐弯处的孩子们走开。
4. 继续(干某事)
I wish I could stay here chatting but I have to get along. 我希望我能呆在这儿聊天,但我得继续干活。
5. 进展
How are you getting along in your job? 你工作进展得怎样了?
get around
1. 走动;旅行
It's difficult for my father to get around without a cane. 我父亲不用手杖行动有困难。
2. (消息等)传开
The rumour gets around quickly. 谣言传得很快。
3. 说服
You should get him around. 你应该说服他。
4. 交往
He does not get around much. 他很少同别人交往。
get around to 找到时间做某事;来得及(做某事)
After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter. 他耽搁了很久以后才抽出时间写这封信。
get at
1. 非正式责怪;指责
I can't figure out why he is always getting at me. 我想不通他为什么老数落我。
2. 表达(尤指说话人的意思很难被理解)
What exactly are you getting at? 你到底在说什么?
3. 拿得到
Leave it where children can't get at. 把它放在孩子们拿不到的地方。
get away
1. 离开;脱身
I was too busy to get away. 我忙得脱不开身。
2. 摆脱;逃脱
The bank-raiders got clean away. 那些抢银行的人逃了个干净。
3. 外出度假
Can you manage to get away this summer? 你今年夏天能抽出时间外出度假吗?
4. 起跑;(汽车)起步;出发
The runners have got away and the long race has begun. 赛跑者已经起跑,长跑比赛开始了。
get away from
1. 离开;脱身
I was too busy to get away. 我忙得脱不开身。
2. 摆脱;逃脱
The bank-raiders got clean away. 那些抢银行的人逃了个干净。
3. 外出度假
Can you manage to get away this summer? 你今年夏天能抽出时间外出度假吗?
4. 起跑;(汽车)起步;出发
The runners have got away and the long race has begun. 赛跑者已经起跑,长跑比赛开始了。
get away from
1. 离开;脱身
I was too busy to get away. 我忙得脱不开身。
2. 摆脱;逃脱
The bank-raiders got clean away. 那些抢银行的人逃了个干净。
3. 外出度假
Can you manage to get away this summer? 你今年夏天能抽出时间外出度假吗?
4. 起跑;(汽车)起步;出发
The runners have got away and the long race has begun. 赛跑者已经起跑,长跑比赛开始了。
get away from
1. 跑题,走题
You've got away from the topic. 你跑题了。
2. 摆脱
I need to get away from my work for a while. 我需要把工作暂时放一放。
get away from it all (以度假方式)摆脱现实生活中的种种烦恼
3. 回避;无视
There is no getting away from the facts. 这些事实是回避不了的。
get away with
1. (作了坏事却)逃脱惩罚(或受到比较轻的处罚)
She never arrives on time at the office, but she somehow manages to get away with it. 她从不按时上班,但总能设法逃避处罚。
The men went to prison but the two boys got away with a warning. 这些大人进了监狱,但两个男孩只被警告了一下就没事了。
2. 勉强可以
I guess you could just get away with wearing that scarf with that dress. 我想你这围巾配这条裙子还凑合。
get back
1. 回来;回去
When did you get back from the country? 你是什么时候从乡下回来的?
2. 收(或送)回
I have to get these books back to the library before it closes. 我得在图书馆关门前去把这些书还掉。
3. 恢复原来的状态
His only desire is to be cured and to get back to work. 他唯一的愿望是治好病,重新工作。
4. 重新上台(执政)
Will the Labour Party get back at the next election? 下次大选工党会重新上台吗?
5. 非正式报复
I'll get him back for all this. 我会为这一切跟他算账的。
get back to sb. 回头再和…谈:
I have an emergency at the moment. I'll get back to you. 我现在有急事,回头再跟你说。
get behind
1. 落后;拖延;拖欠
Production has got behind in the last few months. 在过去几个月里生产下滑了。
He lost his job and got far behind with the payment on the house. 他丢了工作,故而拖欠了不少购房款。
2. 支持
Boys got behind Tom to be class president. 男孩们都支持汤姆做班长。
get by
1. 走过去,通过
Please let me get by. 请让我过去。
2. 过得去,凑合
Your work will get by, but try to improve it. 你的工作还过得去,但要努力改进。
3. (勉强)过活
She can't get by on such a small income. 靠这么少的收入她无法维持生活。
4. (错误等)混过去
It's a clever plan, but will it get by? 这是一条妙计,但它能骗得过众人吗?
get down
1. 下来;沿…而下
I'll get down at the next stop. 我要在下一站下车。
2. (逐渐)耗费体力;使…消沉
Hard work is getting her down. 辛苦的工作耗尽了她的体力。
The miserable weather really gets me down! 这鬼天气把我弄得无精打采。
3. 写下;记下
get a message down 把口信记下来
get down to 开始认真做(工作等)
get down to business 开始干正事
get in 进入
The dog got in creeping under the gate. 狗从大门底下爬了进来。

get, obtain, procure, secure, acquire, achieve


get the first prize获得一等奖


Knowledge can be obtained through study.知识可以通过学习来获得。


He procured the service of a top lawyer.他好不容易才请到一位一流的律师。


We secured a good location for our new business.我们终于为自己的新店谋到了一个好地段。


I acquired some knowledge of computer programming.我掌握了电脑程序设计方面的一些知识。


achieve a decisive victory获得决定性胜利





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