

词汇 together
togetherto•geth•er /tə'ɡeðər,tʊ'ɡ-/
1. 一起;合起来;合计
Tie the ends of the string together. 把这条绳子的两端系在一起。
The Prime Minister called the ministers together. 首相召集了各大臣。
2. 共同;协力
travel together 一起旅行
We would succeed together or fail together. 我们将成败与共。
We worked together to extinguish the fire. 我们协力扑灭了那场火灾。
3. 相互;彼此
England and the United States are closely related together, especially economically. 英国与美国关系密切,尤其是经济方面。
Our views are not so close together. 我们的观点不太接近。
4. 一致地;统一地
Your argument does not hang together well. 你的论点前后矛盾。
5. 同时;连续地
It rained for four days together. 雨连下了四天。
词组together with 连同;加之
He sent her some flowers together with a love letter. 他送她一些花,还有一封情书。




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